As you may or may not know, I'm a hairstylist, this is what I do behind the chair; I wanted to pass this information on as it's a great way to incorporate Hui Hui Essentials into a salon service and to elevate your holistic craft. Here are the steps; 

STEP 1 - Exfoliate the scalp by brushing one-inch sections, from the top down to the nape.

STEP 2 - Take a picture up close with a Smartphone or Tricho Analyzer and show the guest what you see, but more importantly, so you both have a before and after.

STEP 3 - Have the guest put a small amount of the product on their clean hands and have them close their eyes and take three deep breaths so they can feel the aromatherapy benefits; this will also help your guest relax for their scalp facial.

STEP 4 - Slow drip Hui Hui down the center part front to back, then the sides of each temple moving backward and finally behind the ears to the center of the occipital. Use one full vial usually and two if the scalp is badly dehydrated; if issues are smaller spot treat, always massage product to distribute.

STEP 5 - Walk guest to the shampoo bowl, wet the ends of the hair (not the scalp), and add deep treatment to the wet hair.

STEP 6 - Massage hair for 10 - 15 minutes at the shampoo bowl for maximum results and relaxation. After the treatment has been applied, and you've massaged your guest, this is an excellent opportunity to use heat for the scalp treatment to penetrate deeper. I love to use a steamer for 20 minutes with essential oils in the water for aromatherapy.

STEP 7 - Shampoo and Condition, take the guest back to the station, and towel dry hair.

STEP 8 - Take new pictures of the scalp for the guest to see; they should feel instant relief from any tight, dry itchiness, the redness should also be reduced.